Saturday 26 January 2013

Candy Fundraisers - Maximize Your Bottom Line

There are a lot of little tricks to candy fundraiser sales. You want to offer a fundraising product with a brand name that people recognize, sell candy that's fairly priced compared to regular retail, work with a company that doesn't stick you with huge amounts of unsold product, and instruct your candy sellers on how to make a sale every time.

 What you really want to do is maximize your candy fundraiser results and minimize the hassles. Here's some tips on what to do.

 Maximize Your Results
 Overlay with a supplement
 If youre doing a candy-based fundraiser, why not supplement it by also offering a fundraising discount card? Not everyone wants candy, but most people are interested in saving money at fast-food restaurants and other participating merchants.

 Fast food offers predominate in these cards, so families with children will recognize the value and be eager to spend $10 to save $20 or more. Many besondere adventskalender prospects will buy both the candy and the card so your revenue will definitely increase with the combined approach.

 Organize well
 Make sure your participants know what the group goal is as well as what their own expected results should be. Run these programs for a two-week maximum. Longer than that and sellers lose interest.

 Give feedback to the sellers on a regular basis and have your calling tree monitor sales results at least twice a week. Be sure to offer prizes to incent maximum effort.

 Sales Scripts
 There are a lot of little tricks to candy fundraiser sales. You want to offer a fundraising product with a brand name that people recognize, sell candy that's fairly priced compared to regular retail, work with a company that doesn't stick you with huge amounts of unsold product, and instruct your candy sellers on how to make a sale every time.

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